You can use the keyboard as well as the buttons in the right corner to control the voting presentation.
• use the ◀ button or the left arrow key to rewind one step.
• use the ▶ button or the right arrow key to go forward one step.
• use the ↺ button or the home key to restart from the beginning.
• use the ▴ button or the arrow up key to speed up the the voting.
• use the ▾ button or the arrow down key to slow down the voting.
• use the ▮▮ button or the space bar to pause (or recontinue) the voting.
Just click or tap anywhere outside this popup, or hit any key to get rid of this info screen.
ScoreWiz version 3.2.1 - latest major update March 2020, minor update March 2024
ScoreWiz is a Javascript-based scoreboard tool which has existed since 2005
Optimized for desktop or tablet view with resolutions above 1000px x 1000px.
Created by Ben Tumminaro, the Netherlands