
Give your votes here

Please give votes to the following participants.

You can order them by moving the participant's names with your mouse.

Finally click "Save" to save the votes.

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Please note that if you wait too long submitting your votes, it could happen that the maximum number of votes is reached in the meantime, in which case your votes shall not be counted.

12 points
10 points
8 points
7 points
6 points
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Joanna - Navigateur
Elliott - La tempête
SOA - Seule
Joan - Madame
Marius - Les chansons d'amour
Elia - Téléphone
Hélène in Paris - Paris mon amour
Alvan & Ahez - Fulenn
Cyprien Zeni - Ma famille
Julia - Chut
Saam - Il est où ?
Pauline Chagne - Nuit Pauline

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