
Edit your televotes

It is currently possible to add a televoting result to your scoreboard, which will be shown as soon as the jury votes presentation is over. It is still work in progress though, but points entered now will remain valid when this functionality is improved in the future.

As it is now, no mathematical checks will be done. It is your own responsibility that the numbers add up to a number that makes sense..

Maximum score per participant is 2000 points, and yes, you may use negative numbers (> -2000), because, why not?

Participants whose points field is left empty are not included in the presentation. If you want to give out zero points to one or more participants you have to explicitly enter a '0'.

Please note that it is not longer possible to change the number or order of participants after setting a televote result.
Japones-Fani EuroStar

Check this (or keep it checked) if you want the televotes to be included in your ScoreWiz presentation.

Check this if you want the televotes to be presented from lowest to highest (as in ESC 2016-2018). Default (when not checked) is in reverse scoreboard order, as in ESC 2019.

IMPORTANT: Please note again that it is not longer possible to add, remove or change the order of participants after hitting 'Save'!

Click HERE to return to the menu without saving.

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